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Basalt Generator#1392


The basalt generator has just got nerfed. With 85 Tier 5 Miner minions I used to get 120k/2min and now I get 55k/2min with it. I think 120k/2min is a fair price for 85 tier 5 miner minions. You earn so much when you build farms/buy a lot of minions, that’s just how it works. And 55k/2min is far too little for 85 tier 5 miners.

If this was really too much, Farmer Minions would have to get a nerf as well, since they still earn more.

By nerfing farms that require a huge number of minions, there will be fewer and fewer people who will spend a lot for minions since it will be nerfed anyway. In any case, I don’t think farms that require a lot of minions should be nerfed or will have to get such a large nerf. Since this farm has already cost me 425M in minion upgrades alone.

2 months ago

As long as the minions in prison dont get nerfed/changed in any way, Idc

2 months ago

The price of basalt was only lowered by roughly 6% (from 2,0 to 1.83)

2 months ago

Yes, but I also just saw that you have increased the miner speed from 2 seconds to 4 seconds. I think that is mainly the problem.

Miner minions are really not too OP but that might look like it today because I make money with Sweet Berries AND Basalt.

2 months ago

Basalt generator is a fair nerf. It’s a generator everyone can make and is better than all generators on /generator. I think we should be happy that it’s still better than all other generators and that the nerf was so minor.

I would be a fan of nerfing items farmable with farmer minions but that would be unfair for people who are not on baltop.

A loooot of other prices got buffed today to make the economy more balanced anyways. Which will result in more money making farms and value increase for slayer/collector minions + spawners.

2 months ago

The fact that the basalt sell price has been lowered is fine, you won’t hear me about that. But the fact that Miner Minions are delayed by 2 seconds is a nerf that is not necessary.

But by lowering the Miner speed, you not only nerf the basalt generator but also every other generator, which is unfair to new players. Making Miner Minions useless.

I can already hear people complaining about the miner speed…
I think it’s a fairer nerf to lower the basalt sell price a bit to like 1.90$ and that the miner speed goes back to 2 seconds.

2 months ago

To have the best economy, you have to make all prices good on release day. AND NEVER TOUCH THAT AGAIN so everyone can sell items for the same price.

Players have atm 1b and for new players it mission impossible due these nerfs

2 months ago

A lot of easy obtainable items got buffed 💪💪

2 months ago

When I look at the sellshop like this, I don’t see a single price that has been changed.

2 months ago


I have an update on this suggestion.

Fortune on Miner minions always worked on Basalt, I earned like 55k / 2 min with 85 Tier 5 Miner minions and Fortune was still working on Basalt at the time. This is already a very small amount because this was after the large nerf I described above.

But last week there appeared to be an exploit with the fortune option on Miner minions. Fortunately, this has now been fixed, but because of this, Fortune no longer works on Basalt. Now you earn an extremely small amount of money with Basalt.

I think a Tier 5 Miner minion should earn about 1k every 2 minutes on the best generator for money (Basalt generator). This is 720k per 24 hours (if Basalt is actually in the shop) a Tier 5 Miner minion costs about 10M so 720k is not too much at all, it will take you 14 days that Basalt is in shop to earn this amount back.
Currently, 1 Tier 5 Miner minion earns about $300 every 2 minutes, so a buff of around 60/70% will be a fair buff in all sorts of ways.

I have a few suggestions:

  1. Make Fortune work again on Basalt + the Basalt sellprice back to $2.30.
  2. Miner Speed back to 2 seconds and the Basalt sellprice back to $2.30
  3. Basalt sell-price up by about 70/80%.
2 months ago

no time to read upvote

2 months ago

Fortune shouldn’t be working on blocks -1 on that one.

I think the prices/speed are fine, just use different items to sell. Miner minions never been a good money maker anyways. Generators from /generator should be better than an easy basalt generator. So a buff for basalt is only fair if the other gens also get a buff.

2 months ago

Miner minions were a very good source of income back in time.
And yes, maybe it’s a good idea to give the other generators a buff as well.

2 months ago